Living an Intentional Life
Over a year ago, Patrick Julius reached out to Studio Red Design with an amazing idea as a gift for his sons. His concept was a literal formula to build one’s legacy; which had been a seed in the back of his mind for years. Finally Patrick decided it was time to flesh out his ideas and grow them into a book. His formula for a meaningful legacy helps guides one towards a more meaningful daily life (a gift every parent wants for their child/ren). Rich and deep concepts are personalized throughout the book with amazing stories and insights.
The words found on the back cover sum up this book perfectly:
Unsure what the future holds, Patrick Julius provides his children a perspective on how to navigate their lives as it unfolds. By discussing the factors they can control, and those they can’t, he provides “a formula” to help them maneuver through a world that is simultaneously full of beauty and the inertia that perpetuates ugliness and harm. He ties the past to the present and the present to the future through his anecdotes, observations, illustrations and examples to help everyone understand how our choices matter and influence the society in which we live.
Since we are all dealing with limited time to make our mark, this book serves as a reminder that everyone’s journey contributes to the world we live in, that we are not alone, and we can work together to build something greater than if we only depended upon ourselves.
To keep the personal quality of this publication, we decided to create the illustrations as hand-drawn white-board visuals.
Thoroughout this process, we enjoyed acting as a visual translator, trying to get inside the author’s head to better understand the intention—the why— behind his ideas. Then taking that understanding and bridge that with the mind of the audience to communicate with clarity.
Living an Intentional Life is available on Amazon.
“Words are insufficient to describe the value Studio Red Design provides. This book project was the fourth time I’ve worked with them. It definitely will not be my last. Alston’s process consistently creates outstanding outcomes that surpass my expectations. Specifically, her intake questionnaire immediately made me consider supplemental content that provided huge value to the final book. Additionally, her commitment to my project was evident with her deliverable turnaround always keeping the project on, or ahead, of schedule. I can’t imagine how this project could have gone better.”
— Patrick J.
Round 1 of front covers.
Round 2 of front covers.
Final round of front covers.
Initial sketches of Grit illustration.
Final illustration of Grit.