AI Generated Art: A Threat to Artists?

I stumbled across an AI art generator last year. I thought it was a novel idea as the works it created were very abstract and interesting. However, it seems AI generated art seems to be picking up steam. The programs are becoming more sophisticated, capable of generating what some see as true works of art.

My fear is that, one day, these programs could replace freelance illustrators (especially those just starting out). It is much cheaper and easier to just plug in a description of what you want and have a program generate the exact art you’re looking for. While it may not be the best art you could get, I believe for a lot of companies it’ll be “good enough”.

Otaku, a website that covers primarily video games and technology, recently posted an article explaining some of the trouble that might arise from this. It’s a bit of a long read, but worth it. The article presents both sides of the argument: for and against. Those for AI generated art see it as a possible tool for inspiration. It can be used as something to help kickstart a project. Those against it view it as a tool that will take work away from other artists.

Another interesting read is an article from the Smithsonian Magazine. This one goes on to explain how an artist submitted AI generated art and won a competition, which has sparked debate about whether or not the submission should be counted as actual art or not.

Regardless of how you feel, AI will definitely have a major change on the art world moving forward.


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