Your challenges…
our thoughts.
Take a look at our blog where you’ll get a behind the scenes look at the how our design process works. We share examples of our sketches and finished products, as well as some fun stories about us.
Stay connected!
Harmonizing Yoga and Design
I love yoga and I love graphic design. I am thrilled when my two passions combine to help yogis grow their businesses by funneling their passion into visuals that lead to tangible results.
A Workshop Every Woman Should Take
I have taken this workshop twice (once with each of my twin girls) and think every woman should take this class. JTR Jujustu has lots of class offerings from knowledgable male and female instructors. I can not recommend this enough. I gave this course as a gift to myself and my twin teen girls as an act of self care and self love.
More Yoga!
I am excited to announce that I will be teaching yoga at the beautiful, and nearby, studio: Well and Wonder. Please come join me if you can for a Yummy vinyasa flow Saturday mornings and a Yin with Sound Bath one Sunday evening a month.!
For the Love of Sound
As an act of self-love and self-care, I treated myself to a sound bath training immersion with Susan Mondi Bowen at her beautiful space at Thrive Yoga in Rockville Maryland in January. Sound baths can help you achieve deeper states of relaxation, which can lead to better sleep, reduced stress levels, and improved moods.
Sati Yoga
I am thrilled to share my love for one of my favorite spiritual, emotional, and physical guides/teachers, Jennifer O’Sullivan of Sati Yoga. She lives here in the DMV area, and I have been lucky to train with her in my studies of Yin Yoga, Mindfullness and Taoism, as well as Internal Family Systems. We have been blessed to support her in her quest to help/heal others through the development of her print and marketing materials.
Better Stewards of Our Environment
As the weather here has been taking a cooler turn, I’ve been finding almost daily purchases arriving for my twin daughters from AliXpress and Shein (If you don’t know, don’t learn). These sites are global powerhouses of quickly delivering low-quality stuff that lasts for a day and then is intended for rapid disposal and replacement by more. Not only does the material waste and impact bother me but think of the environmental impact of the shipping process or the labor impacts in low-cost countries. This got me talking with Alston about how we can be better stewards of the environment, whether as designers, their clients, or their stakeholders.
AI Generated Art: A Threat to Artists?
AI generated art has recently stepped into the spotlight, created magnificent and fascinating images, but will it eventually grow and remove the need for traditional artists?
For the Love of Thailand
All the Taggart’s decided to brave global air travel again after a many years hiatus and headed off to one of our favorite spots, Thailand!
Big Love Yoga
When the pandemic began several years ago, my design work for the first couple of months was non-existent. I used that opportunity to dive deeper into my yoga practice and formalized my offerings by creating Big Love Yoga. We offer playful (and unpretentious) yoga classes to build connection and a space for you. We created a website for Big Love Yoga. We are available to help build your website dream!
Spring is in the Air
found this amazing resource: Planting Justice. Love what this organization is about: Growing food; growing jobs; growing community... Check them out! In addition to plants, excited about cultivating my own mycelium (or mushroom) network. Fungus is amazing... And, If you live in the Tenleytown/Friendship Heights area, I am a drop-off point for Earth Springs Farm CSA (super customizable organic vegetable/dairy/meat options!).
To keep myself sane, I practice and teach yoga. To compliment years of practicing yoga (from gentle to power, yin to aerial), I have also trained in martial arts (Okinawan Kempo Karate and Ten Shin Ichi Ryu), ballet, modern dance, African dance, and bellydance (Egyptian and ATS/Tribal)—all of which inform my approach to the movements and instruction. I approach each class with a playfullness to engage, a smile to warm, and movement sequences to captivate. My hope is to channel emotion and spirit through the awareness of every moment through asanas and conscious breath, creating a fusion of heart, mind, and body.
Painting the Future
Art is something I’ve always loved. I even consider myself an artist above a graphic designer. It’s what I originally went to school for, but my anxiety and fear managed to dissuade me from pursuing it any further. I was a different person then. I’ve grown and become much more open to learning. I’ve decided to once again pursue that passion that I left long ago.
Getting Ready
During our down time over the holidays, I was able to do some deep cleaning and organizing of our “making” spaces.
El Salvador: A Resounding YES!
I am excited to share with you an amazing summer experience.
With Great Sadness…Goodbye Bees
So, this was a tough summer.... I had to find a new home for my honey bees.
Envision • Lead • Grow
Envision • Lead • Grow — a non-profit on a mission to end the cycle of poverty through entrepreneurship — had a conference here in Chevy Chase, MD at the 4-H Center May 31-June 3. Alston spoke to a group of amazing high school entrepreneurs.
Nectar Flow
My girls are busy (boys are lazy - no surprise…LOL)! We are now in nectar flow season, when the bees are loving bringing home the nectar from local flowers and trees such as the Linden and Black Locust.
Ciao! This is Sofia Ligustica, an attendant bee from the Court of the Red Queen, long may she reign! I am the beat reporter for the Daily Buzz, the most popular hive periodical with a readership of over 5,000 (though to be clear I understand it was over 50,000 last summer). When I am not grooming and feeding my lovely Red Queen, I spend my time reporting on the activity of the hive.