Painting the Future
My new art space featuring the lower half of the Breakfast Club.
Art is something I’ve always loved. I even consider myself an artist above a graphic designer. It’s what I originally went to school for, but my anxiety and fear managed to dissuade me from pursuing it any further. I was a different person then. I’ve grown and become much more open to learning. I’ve decided to once again pursue that passion that I left long ago.
To help prepare for this journey, I’ve recently reorganized my office space to give myself a dedicated spot to paint and create. Organization is important to me and having this little section really started to reignite that desire to make. I’ve put art up on my walls and have started to collect ideas of what I want to make. I want to explore more with acrylic paint. I want to learn how to paint with oils. For my first big project, I’m thinking of trying out collage art.
To give an idea of the style of art I like, below are a few paintings of mine.