Health Unscripted
Cover of Health Unscripted with the opening spread with a semi-transparent text page partially revealling Anna Rathkopf.
Excited to share the final printed piece called Health Unscripted. This 24-page plus cover saddle stitch brochure mixes glama natural (a semi-transparent sheet that is reminiscent of skin) for bold text with a coated silk sheet for striking photographs. This piece engages the senses (especially those of touch and sight) and captivates the viewer as the glama partially reveals and conceals with moving captions and lyrical text placement to activate the deeply poignant images by survivor and caregiver duo, Anna and Jordan Rathkopf.
At 37, Anna Rathkopf was diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer. Frustrated by the lack of authentic and relatable family-focused cancer stories, she and her husband Jordan decided to make their own. Since their family’s cancer experience, The Rathkopfs have been focused on creating inclusive health stories that portray illness humanely and authentically. The Rathkopfs are an Award-Winning photography and videography duo based in NYC, most recently recognized by the International Photography Council for the 2024 Photographic Achievement Award at the United Nations for their work around cancer and health.
This piece is a prelude to their upcoming book and serves as strong promotional piece for organizations in the health care field in need of heart-felt imagery.
Sample spreads from Health Unscripted with layered text on images. Powerful: Honest. Raw. Real.